Frequently Asked Questions



Where is the cheapest place to buy airline tickets for travelling to/ from Skardu Airport (KDU)?

Local travel agents and companies, like, helps you to find and buy tickets for the cheapest flights from Skardu Airport. Search for special offers with few airlines and leading ticket offices and get the best prices on flight tickets. Be inspired and take advantage of  latest special deals and discounts on exclusive flights. Start planning your next adventure, family holiday, relaxing vacation or city trip and book your flight today.

How do I get the cheapest hotel rates for my stay in Skardu before I departure?

Next to flights tickets, accommodation is the biggest chunk of any trip. These days, it’s far too easy to waste your time and your money when planning. To simplify things, we have built a search hotel prices from at these sites.  Book your hotel in Skardu at the best price and discounts up to 60% right now today! find the best hotel room before you departure from.

Can I hire a car at Skardu Airport (KDU)?

If you are flying to Skardu Airport (KDU) and would like to rent a car, you can do that in advance online or at the airport upon arrival. We recommend you to book the car before you start your trip. On the one hand, you often get better conditions than on the spot and on the other hand, you can receive your car with driver relaxed after arrival without having to work through the myriad of formulars. Here are afew  well-known car companies who provide Cars, Landcurisers, Prado, Jeeps a reasonable price. travelcar,, VE Cab

Where can I park my car at Skardu Airport (KDU)?

Our goal is to provide you with the quickest and easiest way to book parking online. As there is no Parking Space for long perioed, so we will provide a secure, approved parking space near Skardu Airport and save up to 60% when you book here. conatact us and Book in advance and start your vacation relaxed.

What are the top attractions to visit in Skardu before I departure?

For many years, experts have been chasing down the best activities on the planet’s greatest cities and coolest areas. Every year brings more fresh out of the box attractions, events and things to do around the region than anyone could experience in a lifetime. Local guides and supporters make it their main goal to scope out the very best experiences out there and add them to their local DO List: Look for Top attractions at following links. Top Valleys  Nature and Parks

Where can I leave my luggage in Skardu before my departure?

If are looking for a safe and easy to access place to store your Luggage you can find them here. The storage sites are located inside existing businesses, hotels, retail outlets, cafes, and many more. All are vetted by a local employee, who performs regular quality checks. 

Do I get a refund if my flight from Skardu Airport was cancelled, delayed, overbooked or disrupted by airline staff strikes?

If you recently experienced a flight delay, flight cancellation, denied boarding, baggage problems, missed a connection or got affected by an airline staff strike, you may be eligible for compensation. Depending on your flight, flight scenario, and ultimate destination, understanding passenger rights and filing a claim can mean up to $700 per flight in reimbursements.

What is the airport IATA and ICAO code for Skardu Airport?

Skardu Airport was assigned the IATA code KDU, IATA is the abbreviation for International Air Transport Association (IATA). The ICAO code OPSD has been assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

How can I check if my flight is delayed?

If you scroll further up you will find a link with all flights from Skardu Airport. In the right column you will find the status of the flight you are interested in. You can see if the flight is currently still on the ground, in the air, already landed or if it is delayed. 

Do I need a travel visa for travelling to Pakistan?

If you are unsure about the requirements regarding a travel visa you can use check here . There you can use an up-to-date visa requirements tool to search if you need a travel visa. It’s as simple as telling where you are from and where you are going to. Based on this you will get the information about how much the visa costs, the number of entries, the start date and give you an action step such as applying directly on the website!

Can I track flights starting from Skardu Airport (KDU) in real time?

Yes, you can do that with the Track live flights on a map 24/7 and check the status of the airplanes in real time. Explore detailed aircraft and flight data and watch the take-offs and landings in real time at Skardu Airport.

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About Skardu

Skardu is the capital of Baltistan region and the tourist gateway to Karakoram Mountains including K2, Broad PaeakDeosai, Kachura lakes, Shigar, Khaplu, kharmang and Rondu valleys . Government recommendations for foreigners are to remain in tourist areas as security in remote areas cannot be fully guaranteed.

Some of the most important places to take in mind are Satpara, Jarba zhour and Shangrila – typical lakes-, Manthokha water fall -a very fascinating water fall-, Khanqah Moalla Shigar Mosque and gardens like Hashupi Bagh and highest cold desert, Shigar Cold desert.